Sunday 28 December 2014

General Post

Hi All,

First of all I would like to apologise for not posting anything for a while, December is a long, difficult month which I hope that some of you would understand. Also, I hope you all had a good Christmas.

Since my last post December had come and now it is nearly gone and Christmas is over, yay (don't get me wrong I like Christmas but it is a drag). It is now time to welcome the New Year and make resolutions in which half of us will not keep (I will be the same) and wait patiently for the year to end.

Otherwise, personally all that has happened is that I have made a appointment for my next tattoo at the end of January, I have gotten my two broken cameras fixed, ordered some new photography equipment and spent time with my family and friends at Christmas.


On the 18th December I had a photo-shoot for my editorial project. I decided to document the process of how a turkey is caught, killed and plucked. This photo-shoot went well until they denied me certain photographic opportunities which they said I could do before the photo-shoot was arranged. But enough about that before I anger myself about it again.

Also, over the next few weeks I will be doing blog posts on Smoke and Splash photography, Bokeh and HDR for my Digital Imaging project. If all goes well I am hoping to post them on/after Saturday.

I hope that you all enjoyed this post, my next post will be on 'My Potential Shot Of The Year' and 'New Year' where I will tell you my New Year's resolutions in which I will be making and breaking in January.

Thank You for reading